Apply for the CBSC Fellowship


Application for Fall 2025 Course is open - first review deadline march 24, 2005

Don't miss out on this opportunity. The CBSC course and full fellows program should you opt to pursue it, provide a strong base of knowledge in addressing pressing issues of American society and beyond. The fall course is a required prerequisite to application for the January-July full CBSC fellows program. The application is open as of February 13th with a deadline for the first review of March 24th, 2025. If all spaces in the course (around 32) are not filled in this first round of reviews, the application will be reopened until the course is full.

The 2025 Fall CBSC course application can be accessed here: This will also be posted on the CBSC Instagram account @emorycbscfellows, shared in the CCE monthly newsletter (send a request to be added to and advertised via various campus channels.

For the Fall 2025 course we expect to have wait list for the course. I suggest students with a strong interest in the CBSC Fall course and/or fellowship apply in the February-March application window for the first review.

If you have questions about the course, please contact Kate Grace at


The spring deadline for the fall course has closed. If there is space in the course, we will review new applications on a rolling basis.

Applications for the required prerequisite course - 370A POLS/SOC/ENVS/CBSC for the Fall 2023 course will open on Friday, March 3rd, 2023 with a deadline of Thursday, April 13th, 2023. This is the deadline for the Fall course which can be taken as a stand alone course, but is the required prerequisite to apply for a full CBSC Fellows position. If space is available after this first deadline decisions are made, late applications will be accepted. Late applications are reviewed on a rolling basis until the course is full or the second day of fall classes, whichever comes first. This class is offered only in fall by application and permission only.  Beginning on March 3rd, at 8:00 a.m. the application can be accessed here: or on the CBSC Hub profile. Please reach out to Kate Grace at to learn more about the CBSC and ask any questions you may have.

applications due december 6th, 2022 for 2023 full CBSC Fellows

Students currently enrolled in or having previously taken this course are now able to apply for the 2023 January-July full CBSC Fellows Program. Applications for the spring/summer terms are available only to students have the completed the Fall CBSC (POLS/SOC/ENVS/CBSC 370A) course. Applications are open for the 2023 full CBSC Fellows with a deadline of Tuesday, December 6th, 2022. These applications for the course and full (Jan-summer) Fellows Program can found under the forms section of the CBSC OrgSync Profile here but are only open to those having completed the CBSC Fall course.

The entry point to the CBSC Programs is a fall course (370A POLS/SOC/ENVS/CBSC offered by application only. This is the prerequisite for the full CBSC Fellows Program application and is a strong course for anyone wanting to make positive change in communities. The application for the Fall course will be out early February 2023 for the Fall 2023 term.

The fall 2022 cbsc course (370a pols/soc/envs/cbsc) application is closed.

The application for the Fall 2022 CBSC Course is now closed. This course serves as the prerequisite for application to the full CBSC Fellows Program, but is a great course even if students do not go on to complete the full program. In late February 2023, application will open for the Fall 2023 course which can accept up to 30 students. If spaces are available in May 2023, we will reopen the application reviewing applications on a rolling basis until the class meets capacity.

Please reach out to Kate Grace at with any questions. Please follow the CBSC on Instagram for updates and events - @emorycbscfellows

CBSC Fall 2021 Course applications closed

The Fall 2021 semester is fully underway. We are thrilled to have an excellent group of students in the Fall 370A Community Building course. Applications have closed with the ending of drop/add for the Fall 2021 term. Interested students should reach out to Kate Grace at to schedule a time to talk about the CBSC Fall course and full CBSC Fellows Program.


CBSC Fall Course Applications Open!

Given the adaptations for the Fall 2020 semester, the application for the Fall 2020 CBSC class has been reopened. The first review will be of applications received by the May 15, 2020 deadline with later being reviewed on a rolling basis until the class is filled. As of July 14, we have several open spaces in the course.

Don't miss out on this opportunity. The CBSC course, and full fellows program should you opt to pursue it, provide a strong base of knowledge in addressing pressing issues of American society and beyond. The fall course is a required prerequisite to application for the January-July full fellows program.

Apply Here!

If you have questions about the course, please contact Kate Grace at


Please join the Community Building and Social Change Fellows Program Engage @ Emory Profile to find out about recruitment and other connected events.  You may also want to check the Civic and Community Engagement website for events.  

delay in release of fall 2020 course applications which should open april 7th, 2020.

New to the CBSC: applications for the fall 2020 cbsc course will be open in mid-April with a late may 2020 deadline

Applications for the required prerequisite course - 370A POLS/SOC/ENVS/CBSC for the Fall 2020 course will open on April 7th, 2020 with a deadline of May 25th, 2020. This is the deadline for the required Fall course to apply for a full CBSC Fellows position. If space is available late applications are received until the course is full or the second day of fall classes, whichever comes first. This class is offered only in fall by application and permission only.  Beginning on April 7th at 8:00 a.m. the application can be accessed on the CBSC’s Engage @ Emory profile.

Current or past fall cbsc course participants:

Students currently enrolled in or having previously taken this course are now able to apply for the 2020 January-July full CBSC Fellows Program.   Applications for the spring/summer terms are available only to students have the completed the Fall CBSC (POLS/SOC/ENVS/CBSC  370A) course.  Applications will open for the full Fellows Program will open in November 2020. These applications for the course and full (Jan-summer) Fellows Program can found under the forms section of the CBSC OrgSync Profile here but are only open to those having completed the CBSC Fall course.

Please contact Kate Grace ( for information on the application and selection process.   

The CBSC fellowship not only helped me recognize my passion for affordable housing but also gave me connections to people around the country who are currently doing that work—connections that will be invaluable when I join the workforce after graduation.
— Caroline Nwanze, 2017 CBSC Fellow